the things that you should know about sungazing...


This phenomenon, known as sungazing, was already practiced in civilizations such as Egypt, India and America; Among them Mexico and Peru, were used for healing, veneration and spiritual purposes.

This practice was known worldwide thanks to Mr. Hira Ratan Manek, who has been subjected to scientific studies three times demonstrating that it is possible to live without food by only feeding on the sun and water, in his experience and many more, presumes that the sungazing practice helps you first of all to your mental health, then to your physical health and finally, to your development of consciousness. (This being the most important in the life of a human being)

To be able to see the Sun in the safe hours without any kind of injury no fear
in the first hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset ...

First stage:
First day  starting with 10 seconds only .  Second day, 20 seconds and so on, 10 seconds plus per day, for a 3 months period. until you reach 3 months.

The mind stops bombarding you with thoughts of negativity, fear, doubt, anger, envy, etc., etc.) The person manages to get rid of their insecurities and therefore is prepared for the second stage ... (physical health).

To achieve physical health ...

Second stage: 
Keep adding 10 seconds per day, during a second period of 3 months, until reaching 30 minutes total.

The body is charged with energy and health, may delay the effect of aging, since photosynthesis generates in the body serotonin through the pineal gland secretes melatonin fighting insomnia and is proven to be a powerful antioxidant.

Third stage:

In this stage, a development of consciousness is achieved, along a change of perspective and the understanding of the possibility of not needing food.
You can experience walking barefoot on the ground for 30 minutes, connecting also with earth energy. Likewise, adding 10 seconds per Day along 9 months total.
This 9 months period Will aid the completion of the whole treatment. In order to keep you grounded and maintenance of your connection with results, return gradually to 15 minutes and doing sungazing 3 times a week. This Will endure an optimal state.

bibliography ≠

sungazing technique

"The true freedom of the human being will come when we learn to relate and feed ourselves properly from the sun, since we are energetic beings"
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